Great Food Recipes
Great Food Recipes
Sweet Treats
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At Christmas, gingerbread makes its most impressive appearance. Its form varies from location to location. In some places, gingerbread is a soft cake, while in others, it is a crisp, flat cookie
Gingerbread is sometimes light and sometimes dark, sometimes sweet and sometimes spicy
Spices give any gingerbread its delicious aroma and memorable taste. Ginger is the spice you will find in every gingerbread recipe.
Panna Cotta with Raspberry Compote
Panna Cotta is all about the mouthfeel. The smooth, velvety cream has enough tension to hold up to a spoon but melts in the mouth. The best Panna Cotta has an understated character, highlighting the inherent sweetness of the dairy and the warmth from a fresh Vanilla Bean, This one is complemented with a fabulously fruity Raspberry Compote.